Applications for the below SIGA roles are now open. Please email [email protected] to register your interest.
The profiles below set out the requirements and attributes of individuals put forward for the various key roles at SIGA that need to be appointed.
1. Chair of the Council
As set out in the SIGA Statutes:
- The Chair of the Council is to be appointed by the Council (cl. 17.1(f)), and submitted to the General Assembly for ratification
- Two-thirds majority of the Members are required to ratify the appointment of the Chair (cl. 14.1(b)(iii))
- A simple majority is required to dismiss the Chair (cl. 14.1(c)(iii))
- The Chair of the Council to be an independent.
- The Chair will serve a four-year term.
- The Chair may serve more than one term, but not consecutively (cl. 16.8)
- The Chair has a casting vote in the event of an equal vote (cl. 18.4)
The Chair of the Council will also chair the General Assembly.
The Candidate:
- must have recognised vast experience, international prestige and impeccable reputation in at least one of the field of sports administration, diplomacy, government affairs, business and/or politics.
- must be willing to take on the role on a non-remunerated manner (expenses incurred on behalf and for SIGA may however be covered by the Association or reimbursed)
- must be independent
- must demonstrate an impeccable track record and a vested interest in promoting good
- governance, financial integrity and sports betting integrity, SIGA’s core strategic areas
- may have experience in specific sports integrity roles
2. Vice-Chairs
As set out in the SIGA Statutes:
- The Council may appoint Vice-Chairs from its ranks, up to a maximum of one per stakeholder group (cl. 16.9) – up to 4 Vice-Chairs.
- Such appointments shall be submitted to the General Assembly for ratification (cl. 17/1(f))
The Candidates:
- must have recognised experience and an international reputation in the field of expertise of the stakeholder group that it is representing
- must be willing to take on the job on a non-remunerated manner (expenses incurred on behalf and for SIGA may however be covered by the Association or reimbursed)
- must be senior representatives of their organisation, which usually will be a member of SIGA
- must demonstrate an impeccable track record and a vested interest in promoting good governance, financial integrity and sports betting integrity, SIGA’s core strategic areas
3. SIGA Council Members
As set out in the SIGA Statutes:
- Members are appointed and dismissed by simple majority of the Members (cl. 14.1(c)(v)) The Council shall be composed of up to 15 members (cl. 16.1)
- The members of the Council shall be appointed by the General Assembly for a period of four (4) years per term, not to exceed two (2) terms (cl. 16.2)
- A member of the Council can be revoked by a unanimous vote of all the other Council members (cl. 16.3)
- The appointment, the renewal of mandate and the removal of the members of the Council must be approved by the General Assembly (cl. 16.4)
- The composition of the Council shall include a minimum of two representatives from each of the member categories – sporting organisations, governments and regulatory authorities, international and inter-governmental organisations, commercial organisations, civil society (cl. 16.6)
- The composition of the Council shall include independent members (cl.16.7)
- The Council is non-executive in nature (cl. 17.1)
The SIGA Council’s responsibilities are:
- to set the overall strategy of the Association (cl. 17.1)
- to approve the internal rules and policies of the Association (cl. 17.1(b))
- to implement the resolutions approved by the General Assembly (cl. 17.1(c))
- to submit to the General Assembly the global strategy, accounts and budget of the Association (cl. 17.1(d))
- to admit new Members to SIGA (cl. 9.2.2)
- to approve admission of Committed Supporters (cl. 10.3)
- to propose to the General Assembly amendments to the Statutes of the Association, the admission and removal of new Members and Committed Supporters, and members of the Association’s Audit and Compliance Committee, independent external auditor, and Ethics Committee (cl. 17.1(e))
- to set the amount of annual membership contributions to SIGA (cl. 11.1)
The Candidates:
- must have proper experience and an international reputation in the field of expertise of the stakeholder group that it is representing must occupy a senior role (preferably Chair, Vice Chair or CEO) of the organisation that they represent, but may delegate a senior director in their place to attend meetings, as required
- must be willing to take on the job for free (expenses incurred for and on behalf of the Association may be reimbursed or covered by the Association)
- have a written mandate to represent their organisation, which usually will be a Member of SIGA
- must always act in the interests of SIGA could be independent or a senior representative of one of SIGA’s Member organisations, but
- must always act in an independent capacity in the interests of SIGA
- must demonstrate an impeccable track record and a vested interest in promoting good governance, financial integrity and sports betting integrity
4. CEO
As set out in the SIGA Statutes:
- The CEO is appointed by the Council (cl. 17.1(f)), and submitted to the General Assembly for ratification
- Two-thirds majority of the Members are required to ratify the appointment of the CEO (cl. 14.1(b)(iii))
- CEO may be dismissed by a simple majority vote (14.1(c)(iv))
- The CEO is a member of the Council ex-officio (cl.16.12)
The CEO is the highest executive of the Association and has the following responsibilities (cl. 20):
- to receive applications for membership of SIGA (cl. 9.2.1) and notification of resignations of members (9.6.1(b))
- to appoint, manage and direct the Administration of the organisation
- to direct and carry out the strategy and administration necessary to meet the organisation’s objectives (cl. 20.3)
The Candidate:
- must have international prestige, impeccable reputation and recognised vast experience in at least one of the fields of sports administration, government affairs, sports integrity and business
- must have performed a senior executive role (preferably as CEO or equivalent) in a leading organisation in at least one of the above mentioned fields
- perform the role on a full-time basis
- must always act in the interests of SIGA
- must demonstrate an impeccable track record and a vested interest in promoting good governance, financial integrity, and sports betting integrity